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36th CIHA World Congress - Lyon 2024

Endorsed by the French Ministry of Culture,
the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research,
and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.


Registration and Support

  • What are the material conditions for participating in the congress?

    Travel and accommodation costs are not covered by the Congress organisers. There will be a charge for access to the Congress. Many institutions provide a budget for the participation of their members in international congresses. The organising committee is also looking for ways to support the mobility of scholars.

  • Why is there a conference fee?

    The 36th CIHA Congress Lyon 2024, like all major international conferences, requires complex organisation and suitable premises. Hosting 1,500 participants (including 750 papers and almost 200 chairs) requires the use of external service providers, whose services are subject to a charge. Participants pay registration fees which, in total, represent less than half of the income needed to budget for such events. These fees give them the opportunity to meet their colleagues, learn about advances in research and initiate new collective projects.

    Through partnerships with private and public organisms and institutions, the organisers have obtained grants and scholarships to help researchers from developing countries to attend. The researches of support are still ongoing and these grants are regularly announced on the website and in newsletters.

  • I am a session chair: do I have to pay the registration fee?

    Yes, your participation is not covered by the congress. You must pay the registration fee. We suggest that you contact your institution of affiliation to support your participation, and/or apply for sponsorship or funding from outside organisations to support your session and the participation of your speakers.

    The support available will also depend on the funding obtained by the organisers.
    Priority will be given to covering travel costs for non-institutional participants and participants from emerging countries. Calls for grants have been published on the website and will continue to be published. The organisers are actively looking for fundings.

  • I am a speaker: do I have to pay the registration fee?

    Yes, your participation is not covered by the congress. You must pay the registration fee. We suggest that you contact your institution to support your participation, or the chairs of your session to find out about the financial resources available to them, and/or apply for sponsorship or support from outside organisations.

    The support available will also depend on the funding obtained by the organisers.
    Priority will be given to covering travel costs for people from non-institutional backgrounds or from emerging countries. Calls for grants have been published on the website and will continue to be published. The organisers are actively looking for fundings.

  • I am a session chair. Can I apply for sponsorship in my name/on behalf of my institution?

    Yes, it is possible and encouraged to create partnerships around the session you are moderating in order to support the mobility of international scholars.

  • I am a speaker. Can I apply for sponsorship in my name/on behalf of my institution ?

    Yes, you will need to notify the session chairs and the organising committee.

  • Are there any preferential rates for attending the congress?

    Preferential rates will be introduced, including an "early birds" rate and a student rate. The list of rates is currently being drawn up and will be put online shortly.
    The registration fee is currently being defined.

  • Is there any support for international mobility to participate in the congress?

    To encourage international mobility, particularly for young researchers, grants are available on the website. Check the Call for grants page regularly.
    The organisers are actively seeking support: the Call for grants page will be updated regularly.

  • Is there any support for international mobility for young scholars to participate in the congress?

    To encourage international mobility for the chairs and the speakers, grants are available on the website. Check the Call for grants page regularly.
    The organisers are actively seeking support: the Call for grants page will be updated regularly.

  • Is there a preferential rate for family (partners, children, etc.)?

    Thank you for contacting us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Congress programme

  • What format will the congress programme take?

    The programme will be available on the website in PDF and digital format.
    The programme is available via the Openagenda plateforme, also designed for a fluid and responsive experience on the phone, keeping you connected wherever you are.
    Check the Programme page of the website.

  • What are the different congress programmes?

    Throughout the week, the Congress will be divided into several parallel programmes:
    - the scientific sessions programme
    - the parallel scientific programme (conferences, round tables, workshops, Invited Talks)
    - the Book Fair and Books talks
    - Visits to cultural venues and meetings in Lyon from June 24 to 28, 2024
    - Excursions: a full day of visits to the region Auvergne Rhône-alpes on Friday 28 June 2024
    - Evening Receptions from June 24 to 28, 2024.

  • Do I have to pay for parallel programmes?

    Registering for the Congress will give you access to the scientific sessions programme, the parallel scientific programme (conferences, round tables, workshops, Invited talks), the Book Fair and its programmation, ceremonies,... More details on the Registration page of the website.

    Part of the Cultural Programme is subject to a fee:
    - Excursions on Friday 28 June 2024 are subject to a fee and registration.
    - Visits to Lyon from 24 to 28 June 2024 are free of charge and subject to registration.
    - Evening Receptions from 24 to 28 June 2024 are partly ticketed and all require registration.
    Prices and details of the Cultural programme are available on the Programme page of the website.

  • What are the preparation instructions?

    On-site technical support will be provided to facilitate and coordinate the running of all oral presentations. It is important that you adhere to the following instructions:

    • Your PowerPoint presentation should be in 16:9 format and should include the title, presenters' names, room, session title, date and time on the first slide.
    • On-site computers will be PCs. Presentations should be prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT). Macintosh users should export their presentation to MS PowerPoint format or save it as a PDF.
    • File Format: On-site operating systems include Microsoft Office 2013 and Windows 7. The following file formats are supported: *.ppt *.pps *.pptx *.ppsx *.pdf. We advise you to use a .pdf format to avoid any technical problems.
    • Videos: Please ensure that your video files are compressed. We recommend using the *.mp4 format (videos encoded with H.264 video and AAC audio). Other supported file formats are .mpg, .wmv, .avi using codecs installed by default in Microsoft Windows 7. If you are using a different codec or video format, please check its functionality with the technician in the pre-projection room well in advance of your presentation.
    • Projection Format: The standard projector format in conference rooms will be 16:9.
    • Please name the file of your presentation as follows: "Presentation Date (YYYYMMDD)_Last Name" For example: "20240408_LASTNAME"
    • Please keep in mind the date and time of the session and of your presentation.
    • Bring a copy of your presentation on a USB drive.


  • What are the submission guidelines?

    Speakers must report to the pre-projection room at least 3 hours before the start of their session. Participants who are speaking in the morning and cannot come 3 hours before the start of their session will have to submit their presentation in advance in their personal space before June, 16th. Instructions for submitting your presentation on the platform will be soon sent to yo.

  • What are the opening hours of the pre-projection room?
    • The pre-projection room is open during the reception hours:

    Room: Rhône 4 Room

    Level: Rhône / Pasteur

    Opening Hours:

    • Sunday 23rd: 15:30-19:30
    • Monday 24th: 08:30-19:00
    • Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26: 8.30am - 6.30pm
    • Thursday 27th: 08:30-18:00

    If your presentation will be given in the MAC Lyon auditorium (Musée d'art contemporain de Lyon), it is essential that you are able to submit your presentation beforehand from your personal space before June, 19th. Instructions for submitting your presentation on the platform will be soon sent to you. If you have not submitted your presentation, please come to the pre-screening room with a USB key containing your PPT presentation.

  • What are the instructions for my presentation?
    • We kindly request you to arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of the session. This will give you time to familiarize yourself with the podium operation, equipment location, and meet the moderators. Please be seated in the seat of the next scheduled speaker in the front row of the room at least 10 minutes before your presentation.


    • Please note that there will be no translation during sessions; presentations can be made in French or English.
    • Carefully note the allocated time for your presentation and ensure that the length of your speech does not exceed the allotted time by referring to the schedule of your intervention.

    Session moderators are instructed to end presentations that exceed the scheduled time.

Cultural Programme

  • What is the Cultural Programme made up of?

    The Cultural Programme is divided into three programmes:

    - Tours-Excursions in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region from Friday 28 June 2024: full-day excursions, with a choice of 9 different excursions including visits to museums, art centres, historical and heritage sites.

    - Visits to Lyon from 24 to 28 June 2024: guided tours and free visits to museums, art and architecture centres, art foundations, galleries and historic and heritage sites in Lyon.

    - Events and Evenings from 24 to 28 June 2024: private visits, cocktails, artistic performances, etc.

    Find out more on the Programme page of the website and in the Openagenda online programme.

  • Is there a charge for the Cultural Programme?

    Different terms and conditions apply:

    - Tours-Excursions are subject to a charge

    - Visits to Lyon are free of charge

    - Events and Evenings: some are chargeable, others free of charge

    Find more information on the Programme page. Prices are available in your personal space once you have registered for the congress.

  • Do I have to register for the Cultural Programme in advance?

    Yes, you must register in advance for all the Cultural Programme activities you wish to take part in: tours-excursions, visits and evening events.

  • How can I register for the Cultural Programme?

    It is only possible to register for an Excursion, a Visit or an Evening Event if you have already registered for the Congress. Your Congress registration must first be finalised.

    Then go to your personal space > To choose and add the visit, tour-excursion or evening event you wish to attend, click on the "buy" button. A list will appear and you can tick the events you wish to attend.

    You can access your personal space in the email confirming your registration, and on the website on the Registration page.

  • Can I book a Tour for two people?

    For the Tours-Excursions on Friday 28 June, it is possible to register a 2nd person with you. This option is available once the chosen tour-excursion has been selected in your personal space.

    The 2nd person doesn’t need to be registered for the 36th CIHA Congress.

Panels/sessions chairs 

Publication of Congress proceedings

  • I've published an article, a report on the conference, my session or my speech: what should I do?

    If you publish a report of the congress or of your session or presentation (in any format: online publication, review, video, etc.), please send us the link and the reference for publication on the 36th CIHA congress website.

  • Will the Congress proceedings be published at a later date?

    The conference proceedings will not be published by the organisers.
    The organisers are considering an alternative publication format. More information will be available shortly.

    If you publish a report of the congress or of your session or presentation (in any format: online publication, review, video, etc.), please send us the link and the reference for publication on the 36th CIHA congress website.

    If your session or presentation is published, please add a mention to the congress and let us know the reference so that we can publish it on the 36th CIHA Congress website and in the CIHA archives.

    Example of mention: This publication comes from the session title of the day/month/year organised as part of the 36th CIHA Congress held in Lyon from 23 to 28 June 2024 on the theme of Matter Materiality.

    If you would like to add the CIHA Lyon 2024 logo, please contact us. We can send it to you.

  • I am the chair of a session. Can I publish the proceedings of my session?

    You will be free to publish the content of your session on your own initiative, in a more extensive manner and using the medium you consider most appropriate (book, journal, web pages, etc.).

    Please add a mention of the Congress and let us know the reference so that we can publish it on the 36th CIHA Congress website and in the CIHA archives.

    Example of mention: This publication comes from the session title of the day/month/year organised as part of the 36th CIHA Congress held in Lyon from 23 to 28 June 2024 on the theme of Matter Materiality.

    If you would like to add the CIHA Lyon 2024 logo, please contact us. We can send it to you.