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36th CIHA World Congress - Lyon 2024

Endorsed by the French Ministry of Culture,
the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research,
and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.


Performance: Conservation, Materiality, Knowledge

Chairs: Hanna B. Hölling (Bern University of Applied Sciences - Academy of the Arts, Bern, Switzerland), Émilie Magnin (Bern University of Applied Sciences - Academy of the Arts, Bern, Switzerland), Andrej Mirčev (Bern University of Applied Sciences - Academy of the Arts, Bern, Switzerland ; Universität der Künste, Berlin, Germany), Jules Pelta Feldman (Bern University of Applied Sciences - Academy of the Arts, Bern, Switzerland)

Megan Metcalf, "Expanding Conservation, Expanding Performance | Megan Metcalf’s Field report from 2024 Congrès International du Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA) in Lyon" in Performance: Conservation, Materiality, Knowledge, July 12, 2024

Ruines de ruines. Matérialité et immatérialité des ruines dégradées

Chairs: François-René Martin (École du Louvre, Paris, France), Pierre Wat (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France), Peter Geimer (Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art - DFK Paris, Paris, France)

Maykson Cardoso, "Walter Benjamin, from the ruins of the past to the rubble of the present", in [online], 12 juillet 2024
PDF : Walter_Benjamin_from_the_Ruins_of_the_Past.pdf